2025 Schedule & Registrations

  • Activities begin on Wednesday, May 14th and continue through to Monday, May 19th (holiday Monday in Canada).

  • The number of participants per class is limited and the ratio of leaders to followers is balanced, it is therefore necessary to reserve in advance for all classes.

  • Note that we do not sell class passes, however, the price per class goes down the more classes that you buy.




This year, we really struggled to find a way to keep prices fair for everyone. The cost of everything has gone up, while the Canadian dollar has dropped significantly. Unfortunately, we had no choice but to raise prices—otherwise, it simply wouldn’t be possible to break even.

However, raising prices to match the US dollar would have made things far too expensive for Canadians.

After much thought, we came up with what we believe is a fair approach for everyone:

All prices are in Canadian dollars.
Regular prices include all taxes and credit card processing fees. No extra charges will be added to your registration.
For Americans, the prices—when converted to USD—will remain incredibly affordable, especially for those purchasing full passes, gala-milonga combos, or multiple classes.

🍁 Beside the regular price column, you’ll find a discounted “Interac” price.
🍁 Canadians with local bank accounts can pay the discounted rate by sending their payment via Interac e-Transfer instead of using a credit card or PayPal. Since Interac payments save us credit card fees, we’re able to pass on those savings and create a fair discounted price for our Canadian participants.

Starting May 2nd, all ticket and class prices (both regular and Interac) will increase.
For those of you who tend to procrastinate… 😉 consider this your friendly reminder!



Save with milonga passes and combos! All Milongas may also be bought individually.
Note that all prices change May 2nd


Individual Milongas & Events


Milonga Passes & Combos

Choose from three exciting pass combinations!

What’s included in your Pass ?


FULL MILONGA PASS (milongas only)

  • Wednesday Welcome Milonga

  • Thursday Opening Milonga
    with live orchestra RADIOTANGO

  • Friday Afternoon Milonga

  • Friday Gala Milonga

  • Saturday Gala Milonga

  • Sunday Gala Milonga

  • Monday CINE-TANGO + Closing Milonga


  • Friday Gala-Milonga

  • Saturday Gala-Milonga

  • Sunday Gala-Milonga


  • Friday Gala-Milonga

  • Saturday Gala-Milonga

  • Sunday Gala-Milonga

  • either Thursday Opening Milonga with live orchestra
    OR Monday Cine-Tango + Closing Milonga


Ready to buy tickets or passes?

Don’t miss out on the tango event of the year!


Our registration system is now open!

Please note that if you register for classes with a dance partner, only one person per couple should fill out the registration form.
For any information, please contact us by email at bailongomontreal@gmail.com.

There will be a limited number of participants per class

That number is limited to an equal number of leaders and followers. Both couples and singles will be accepted, however, singles will be put on waiting lists and admitted into classes only when we can confirm an equal number of partners. 

We encourage even the most advanced dancers to take at least one lower-level class to better understand the guest teachers’ techniques and methods to get the most out of the more advanced classes. Dancers registering for advanced classes are advised to register with their partners as working with a dependable partner will greatly enhance the experience.



Please note:


  • Prices are per person per class

  • All classes are 1h15 long except when indicated

  • The Vals and Colgada Seminars are each 2h45 long (includes a 10 min break). Each seminar is charged as two classes.

  • Wednesday night class participants stay for the Welcome Milonga for free!

  • Full-time students and Tango professionals are eligible for a 10% discount on class fees.
    Contact us at bailongomontreal@gmail.com for more info.


prices are per person per class



REGULAR PRICE (May 2nd - May 13th)

prices are per person per class




Last-minute class registrations do not count towards previously purchased bundles and are not eligible for discounts.

price is per person per class


Sign up with a partner and enjoy significant savings! 🙂


Please read the following info BEFORE REGISTERING for classes


Please note that we post the minimum level necessary. 
Advanced dancers can certainly benefit from every class no matter what the posted level.  Please note that those who practice often might actually be more advanced and able to take higher-level classes, while those who practice less often might not be admitted into certain classes. If you are not sure of how your level corresponds to that of the level posted, then please drop us a quick email, we’ll be more than happy to advise you.

We encourage even the most advanced dancers to take at least one lower-level class to better understand the guest teachers’ techniques and methods so as then get the most out of the more advanced classes.

  • Inter + up:  These classes are highly relevant for dancers of all levels, from intermediate to advanced plus. Lesser-experienced students and very advanced dancers are advised to come with a partner of their level, as this will help everyone get the most out of each class.

  • Intermediate: This corresponds to having completed Tango 4, 5, or 6 at Studio Tango Montreal, or roughly having a minimum of 1 to 1.5 years of experience with weekly tango classes. Intermediates should be familiar with the crossed and parallel systems, ochos, a few boleos, a couple of half turns, paradas, and other basic elements, etc.

  • Inter-Advanced:  This corresponds to having completed Tango 7 or 8 at Studio Tango Montreal, perhaps a mini-session or two, or roughly 2 to 3 years of experience, including regular weekly tango classes, practices, and milongas. Perhaps you have also attended milonga and/or waltz classes, as well as a few specialized classes and/or workshops with guest teachers.

  • Advanced: An advanced dancer's experience can vary greatly from one person to the next. The content in advanced classes is intended for dancers with several years of class and workshop experience, who practice regularly and go out dancing often, who are comfortable in both close and open embrace, and who can execute complex figures with a solid understanding of the technique involved. We prefer that participants in advanced classes register with a partner, as working with a dependable partner will greatly enhance the experience.

  • Advanced Plus:  For more advanced dancers.

Registering with a partner:

You can benefit from significant savings if you register with a partner for classes. However, to avoid double reservations, only one person per couple should fill out the registration form as the system will automatically create a reservation for both dancers.
NOTE that if both of you fill out the form, you will be charged twice.

During class, the teachers will call for partner rotations. However, couples who register together will not be obliged to switch if they do not wish to.

Registering without a partner:

There will be a limited number of participants per class.  That number will be limited to an equal number of leaders and followers. Singles will be put on wait lists and admitted into classes only when we can confirm an equal number of partners. 

Please note, that as much as we will try to enforce level requirements, we can not be responsible for the level of proficiency of each participant in every class. The only way to be certain about the level of the person/people with whom you end up dancing would be to register with someone you know.


Ready to register for your classes ?

Join us and experience the best tango adventure of the year!



Want to be notified when lineups are announced, schedules are posted, and registrations are open?
Sign up for our newsletter to keep up-to-date on all the Bailongo news!

Bailongo Montreal is produced by Projet Tango - a non-profit organisation located in Montreal.